Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is the yoga tradition most familiar to Western culture, and the tradition we follow at Better Bodies Yoga. The term is derived from the Sanskrit ha, meaning “sun,” and tha, meaning “moon,” which together means to “yoke or yuj.”
The practice aims to unite the active and receptive qualities within oneself, creating a balance of equilibrium in oneself and with others through the use of physical alignment and yoga breathing.
The “eight limbs” of Hatha Yoga are:
Yama – Ethical behavior
Niyama – Spiritual practice
Asana – Physical poses
Pranayama – Breath control
Pratyahara – Turning our senses away from outside influence
Dharana – Concentration
Dhyana – Meditation
Samadhi – The ultimate state of consciousness and the goal of Hatha Yoga