Salt Caves FAQs

What to know about the Salt Caves.
Where and how do I purchase sessions?
A variety of class packages are available. They can be purchased at either 684 (salt caves building) or 692 (main building)W. Brookhaven Circle. Packages can also be purchased online with the exception of new student promotional packages, and special populations packages, which must be purchased at the studio.
There are ten spots per each salt relax session.
There are sixteen spots available per each salt yoga class.
The salt bed room accommodates one person only.
How long are the sessions and what is the schedule for both?
The relaxation sessions are 45 minutes each and are scheduled on the hour seven days a week. The yoga classes are either 60 or 75 minutes long and can be viewed on our website salt schedule.
How do I reserve a spot?
By appointment only. Please call 901-767-9642 to make your reservation.
Should I eat prior to a session or class?
Heavy meals are not recommended prior to all of our services. A light snack is appropriate that will hold you over until your service is complete. Please refrain from ingesting gas producing foods, foods
that make you thirsty, or an abundance of garlic prior to your session.
What is the temperature in the rooms?
The temperature in each salt cave room will be between 69 and 72 degrees fahrenheit.
How do I early cancel my appointment if I cannot attend?
All sessions must be canceled 12-hours prior to your scheduled session and can be done online. You will be charged full price for missed sessions if not canceled in the proper amount of time before.
Can I bring my kids and is there a minimum age?
Kids 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times when in the studio. There are designated salt cave hours for families with kids 12 and under. Kids 13 and older may attend the salt relax sessions with a parent or guardian, and must be 14 years or older to attend a yoga class. 16 years and older may come without an adult provided all consent forms have been completed by a legal parent or guardian prior to session.
Infants as young as 2-weeks old may attend salt relax sessions during designated family hours, and can attend for free if sitting on a parent or guardian’s lap.